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Friday, 30 June 2017



It is a known fact that nothing is forever the same.
If it were not so, height would not be added to our length in youth,
nor wrinkles in old age.
In this passage of shape, size, thought, pattern,
we find ourselves always seeking a meaning for our existence,
and coming up empty all too often,
we turn down another lane, or continue on our way
forever believing in a brighter future than our past.

But on the day that this belief fades
and we see our road stretching bleak and uninviting before us,
on that day we must move ourselves to turn to Him who made us.
And He will speak to us about Ezekiel.
Confronted with a future of death, God faced him with a valley of bones.
And from this dryness life sprung.

So next time you face your skulls and skeletons,
know that in the hands of your Creator
the seed of faith and hope and love abides.
And when He sprinkles this on your dry land,
the sprouts of joy and gladness shall with certainty appear.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Thursday, 29 June 2017



Wat’s 'n woorde-wewer se waarde
in die massa media-maniakke se kake?
Wat is die wewer se impak op die aarde
en sy invloed op die dag se sake?

Woorde-wewer weef vir my
'n huis van goud om in te bly,
'n voertuig wat emissie-loos rondry
en 'n katel-knaap om te kan vry.

Woorde is slegs waardelose klanke
tot 'n genadelose spreker dit rondslinger
na eergesante in amptelike banke
wat hand omhoog dit weg wil vinger.

Woorde-wewer weef vir my
'n land waarin ek veilig bly,
'n werk sou ek ook graag wou kry,
en medies dalk, verniet en vry.

Woorde-wewer weef sy inkantasies nuut
en staan weg om die resultate te bewonder.
Tower-woorde waarmee hy hoop bied,
maar lyk die wêreld enigsens gesonder?

Woorde-wewer kry jou ry
as woorde al is wat ons kry.
Jou woorde wek slegs stryery,
ons sou jou liewer wou vermy.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys).'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys).

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Om MA te wees & To be MUM

'n Klompie jare gelede het ek 'n gedig oor my ma geskryf. 'n Paar jaar later het ek besluit om hierdie gedig ook in Engels te vertaal. Ek plaas beide weergawes.

Om MA te wees

Opgetooi in mooi frases en versigtig gekose woorde,
kan ek van jou ook ‘n cliché in ‘n Hallmark kaartjie maak,
maar pretensie sal aan jou onreg doen, want dit is jy nooit.
Die dink in my kop wil hom vasmaak aan soetsappighede
en ek moet my met mening wegskeur van geykte frases wat
net jou skadu kan verklap, terwyl ek opsoek is na jou omvang.
Uiteindelik besluit ek woorde is arm aan jou,
want ek soek in al die tale, maar kry jou nie raakgepraat.
Sprake van jou vind ek in elke taal, jou aroma in elke land,
jou asem op elke kind se gesig, jou siel in elke era se poësie,
jou gees in die oë en die hande en die harte van die wat omgee,
maar steeds kry ek jou nie vasgevat, want jy’s te groot vir my.
Dus wend ek my tot jou skare bewonderaars
en ons gooi ons arms uit, vleg ons vingers in mekaar
en staan sirkel om jou, tevrede met net ‘n bietjie, want jy’s genoeg.

To be MUM
(translated from the Afrikaans om MA te wees

Dressed up in catch phrases and carefully chosen words,
I could turn you into a cliché in a Hallmark card as well,
but pretence would do you an injustice, for you are not like that.
My thoughts want to hook themselves onto sweet little nothings
and I have to will myself away from stereotypical phrases which would,
whilst I am searching for your scope, merely reflect your silhouette.
At last I conclude that words fall short of you,
because a search through the world’s tongues fail to capture you.
You are mentioned in every language, your aroma wafting through every country,
your breath on the faces of the world’s children, your soul in the poetry of the ages,
your spirit in the eyes, the hands and the hearts of the caregivers,
but still my words fail to grab hold of you, because you are too big for me.
And so I turn myself to the multitudes who adore you
and we stretch our arms out wide and linking hands we encircle you,
satisfied each with our own portion, because to us you are enough.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017



Known by all,
yet unknown.
Thus I linger in life.
Turned into myself
I seek my own-ness, self-ness, me-ness ...
and find a stranger.
Who is this person fleeing human familiarity?

What drives a human heart to shun society
and turn into a spiral within itself?
To come back and back again to the own existence?

The answer lies in solitude.
There alone can find the soul its answer for banning.
Rejected, incompetent, unaccepted.
Faced with the facts as taught by human nature
the soul shies away and seeks its own.
Measuring up it finds pride in itself ...
and faces life, calamity, rejection.


An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Die man op die platform

Ek was baie bevoorreg om twee diep gelowige oupas te hê wat albei wonderlike voorbeeld-lewens gelei het. Tog het my oupa aan vaderskant 'n baie diep indruk op my gemaak net voor sy sterwe, sodat ek soms na hom gekyk het en gewonder hoeveel van sy menswees is nog oor, want dit het kompleet gevoel of jy in die teenwoordigheid van God sit. Ek het probeer om hierdie indrukke in 'n gedig vas te vang, maar kon dit net nie effektief regkry nie. Uiteindelik het ek twee gedigte hieroor geskryf. Ek plaas beide.

Die man op die platform 1

Op 1 Desember sou hy 94 gewees het,
maar hy het weggeloop op 9 Oktober ‘93.
Dit was nie ‘n verassing nie;
sy plek was lankal reeds bespreek
en by sy naam was hy weggeroep.
In daardie laaste jaar of meer
kon ek met moeite onderskei
tussen die Roeper en die geroepene –
hulle het so eenders begin lyk.
Hy het nog ‘n wyle hier gebly vir haar,
maar toe sy gaan, het hy vaarwel geroep
op die dag net voor sy sou verjaar.
In ons laaste praat het hy reeds
sy Skepper se gesig aanskou
en Johannes 14 vir my geleer.
Vanaf sy platform tussen hier en daar
het hy God gebring deur sy eksemplaar.

Die man op die platform 2
My Oupa was my Jesus-eksemplaar.
Hy’t geleef op ‘n platform tussen hier en daar.
Hy het nog ‘n wyle hier op aarde gebly vir haar,
maar toe sy gaan, het hy gevolg kort voor sy sou verjaar.
In die laaste jare kon mens met moeite onderskei
waar die grense tussen Roeper en geroepene lei.
In geselskap groot of klein kon hy in God verdwyn
om in stil afhanklikheid God se beeld te skyn.
Johannes veertien het hy dag na dag herhaal,
terwyl kloekend hul luister na die oumens kwaal,
maar toe sy gaan het hy nie gewonder wat sy weet
hy het sy Vader reeds gesien en sou dit nie vergeet
So het hy my verseker in ons laaste keer se praat
by herinnering aan sy lewenslange huweliksmaat.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Monday, 26 June 2017



As the giant enters the room,
sleepiness speeds away
and hides itself in the folds of night's dark hem.
Safely just beyond reach it watches and waits
for morning to unfold itself in pastel hues.
And stays away ... lurking in the shadows.

Satisfied with the effect of its entrance
the giant teases its prey with thoughts and images,
refusing to turn them into dreams.

The mind, awake to every sensory message,
watches the rhythmic tribal dance of the hours
as they turn themselves one into another.
Following the pattern that eternity has laid out before them,
they go round and round in endless circles.
And as the sleeper tosses and turns
it becomes part of their aimless ritual.

Sinking its teeth deep into the flesh of the human,
cramps begin to form in the muscles.
Not yet satisfied with its victory,
it spits its venom into the wide open eyes
causing serious burning sensations.

The giants head suddenly pulls up.
It sniffs the air, sensing Daylight's approach.
Saturated, it rises from the table,
knowing well that its good friend will soon finish what is left of the meal.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

The Roman Invasion

The Roman Invasion

I recently was privileged to visit some friends on a dairy farm in Botswana. While there, I had a most interesting altercation with one the Botswana inhabitants. The altercation concerns a tiny little creature called the Red Roman Spider. You have to understand that tiny is a rather relative term which needs further exploration. When compared to an elephant, I consider myself tiny. Just so with the Red Roman. It is a monstrously huge spider when compared to other spiders and the one that took a liking to me measured a good two by three metres. It is true that when daylight arrived to shine more light on the carcass, the spider had shrivelled up to a mere two by three centimetres, but in the early morning hours when I was reading in bed, it had certainly been much larger. Science struggles to comprehend this fact, but you will have to take my word for it. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about my first encounter with the dreaded Red Roman Spider, which happen to have no venom sacks, but proves to be life threatening to humans due to its ability to cause heart attacks.
The wonder of technology is that it allows you to read in bed with the light switched off. This is very convenient, as you can simply switch your device off when sleep overtakes you and roll over in bed. No need to stretch your hand out to find the lamp. My iPad has made it possible for me to travel with a complete library and I tend to make full use of this benefit when I turn in. So it was on the night in question. I was peacefully lying in bed, with the iPad (almost) comfortably resting on my chest, reading a trashy romance novel, when Mr. Spider showed an interest in what I was reading. This was very odd behavior for a creature that normally shies away from light, but it just so happens that of all Red Romans, I happened to encounter the one that had a propensity towards reading and learning. It could not have known how terrible my choice of literature for the evening was, or it would have steered well away, I am sure. Nonetheless, Mr. Spider, or Roman, as I came to call him, suddenly made his appearance on the screen in front of me with the swagger and confidence of any of its Italian ancestors, leaving me with the sense of a Roman invasion likened to those that occurred under Caesar in years gone by. The attack was swift, but so was my reaction to it.
Normally, I treat my iPad with the greatest of respect and avoid hard bumps and scratches. However, with the Romans upon us, I had to resort to drastic action. I gave an inward shriek of horror, as the house was quiet with sleeping occupants. Allow me to interrupt myself here, to comment that an inward shriek affords very little pleasure or relief, and leaves one feeling deprived of the ability to fully clear ones lungs of the sheer horror that has it clogged up. So, after taking time out to exercise volume control on my shrieks, I courageously defended house, home and occupants against the invasion by casually tossing the iPad and its invader across the room. I am a girl well versed in self-defence when it comes to warding off spiders and other insects, as I have never had a princely knight to save me from such unwelcome invaders. One could almost say that the action of tossing the iPad appeared to be rather more instinctive than practised, but then I have always held that one should trust to ones own instincts.
Not knowing if my opponent's instincts leaned towards fight, or flight, I cautiously left the relative safety of the bed, darted across the floor and threw the switch to swath the room in bright light, all the time balancing delicately on the tips of my big toes, in a manner that would have impressed the daintiest of ballerinas.
I was relieved to find that Roman had opted to flee the scene of the crime. This was not a time to call for justice. Merely surviving seemed fair enough. Having checked at least four times to make sure that Roman had truly gone, and wasn't merely playing hide and seek with me, it occurred to me that this was a really good time to spring clean the room. I took to the task with great energy, checking every corner, shelf and cavernous area of the room. I then decided that it was just as good a time to remake the bed. I pulled all of the covers off, gave them a good shake, turned them inside out, and shook them again, before finally settling them back down on the bed. Feeling very accomplished, I confidently strode towards the light switch, wavered a little, and finally threw the room back into darkness. Not wanting to alert the enemy lines to the return of peace in the camp, I tiptoed back to the bed and cautiously slid into the covers. I listened intently for a long while, but could not hear the enemy approaching. Not feeling even slightly drowsy after the invigorating activity of spring cleaning the room, I decided to return to my book.
I had only been reading a very short while when Roman, completely unfazed by my previous defence strategy, embarked on his return journey across the screen of the iPad. Now, I am not going to bore you with the tale of how I spring cleaned the room for a second time in one night, but I will leave you with a newly discovered benefit of eBooks. The force with which an iPad can come down on a cocky Italian spy, is enough to re-establish faith in the power of the press to influence the outcomes of wars. That spider never knew what hit him. And as for trashy romance novels? Let me assure you that it packs enough punch to waste the unwanted attentions of any unwelcome would-be Roman suitors.

An original essay by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike essay deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Saturday, 24 June 2017



Abraham het nie geweet Wie hy ontmoet het
toe God hom in Haran beveel het om te trek nie.
Jakob het nie geweet met Wie hy gestoei het
toe hy in Pniël agtergebly het vir die nag nie.
Moses kon nie die God in die bos onderskei
van die gode wat hy in Egipte leer ken het nie.
In Silo het Samuel gereken dit is Eli se stem,
in Jerusalem wou Tomas die gate in Sy hande voel
oppad na Damaskus wou Saul weet Wie Hy is,
en op die pad na Emmaus het hulle Hom nie herken.
Toe God jou geroep het om in beweging te kom
het jy gewonder Wie se stem jy hoor?

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Friday, 23 June 2017



I never considered myself lucky with men
In fact I thought I was a freak
Hiding shyly away in my long hems
the guys must have thought me a geek.

Then you walked into the room.
I saw the girls switch on their flirting charms
You were handsome, confident and well-groomed
and I noticed the ripple of strength in your arms.

You walked past them all, headed straight toward me.
Feigning disinterest, I pretended to look away
You sat down and I was afraid you would see
me blushing like a girl gone astray.

Then you spoke, your voice soothing
I immediately felt right at ease
You told me that you had come looting
and will I follow you home if I please.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Thursday, 22 June 2017



Vriendskap is soos water;
dun stroompies wat beskroom
byeen kom om dan later
bruisend bymekaar te stroom.
En soos dit vloei oor sand,
klip en hobbelrige aarde
trap dit vore in die land
en leer dit elk van eie waarde.
Dit snel oor obstruksies
en dryf rustig oor dieptes
en wanneer weë vir rukkies
skei deur dood of siektes
vind dit weer opnuut mekaar
sonder soom of onderskeid
en vloei ineen om te verklaar
dié is ‘n plek van veiligheid.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Rape of a friendship

Rape of a friendship

With trust in your words I allowed you to kiss me.
You told me that you've changed.
I believed in the way that you said it could be,
but you have left me here ashamed.

I knew about the drugs and booze
I knew how you got drunk in town.
I trusted your ability to choose
and change your life around.

Your folks' marriage was a disaster
You were the ball that they played
We were gonna spend the ever after
You were just looking to get laid.

You penetrated my existence with your need
With me the willing succumbor to your heed.
I was gonnna make a home and you were gonna stay
Instead you got a fancy car and sped away.

I allowed you in where none had tread
never considering your presence there a threat.
Where once there was trust is now a big gape.
What you've done with my friendship is what I call RAPE.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Nuwe werk & Ou kuslyne

Ek plaas vandag sommer twee baie kort gediggies wat ek geskryf het toe ek uiters onvergenoeg was in die werk wat ek gedoen het.

Nuwe werk

Soms is mens net klaar met ‘n ding
Jy weet hy hoort nie meer by jou
Om daar te bly is om lewe te verwring
Dis tyd om daarvan weg te hou

‘n Werk is 'n ding wat ‘n mens mee klaarkry
Jy doen hom tot jy hom opgedoen het
En as jy klaar is moet jy van hom wegry
Voor jy jou teen geluk begin verset

Ou kuslyne

Om te weet dis klaar, is om te soek na nuut
Dis verby wanneer dit verby is, en wanneer dit verby is
Moet jy nie vashou aan gister se onthou en sukses nie
Jy moet die moed skep om nuwe kinkels te ontrafel
En nuwe probleme te trotseer en nuwe geluk te vind
Wees weer jy van nuuts af aan en sing ‘n nuwe lied.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Monday, 19 June 2017

Churching around

Churching around

In solemn holiness we bow our heads.
United in Christ here we kneel.
Serving humbly each other in words and in deeds
saying loudly how good we do feel.

But closing the church door behind us we rage
at the pianist playing falsely off key
and the preacher who missed the text on that page
of Jesus scolding the Pharisee.

We talk of our brothers and sisters as though
they're the worst kind of sinners on earth.
Instead of compassion, it is malice we show
as the face of the Christian rebirth.

Dear brother, take a look in the mirror
recognising yourself your own plank.
Then, ere you turn bitter, remove all the litter,
to drink from the cup whence He drank.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Sunday, 18 June 2017

God se beloftes

God se beloftes

Van ek begin dink het, loop ek op U pad
Selde vra ek vrae of betwyfel ek U plan
Ek strek uit na waar U is dat U my hand vat
En volg U woord na die beste wat ek kan

Ek draai my ore in U stem se rigting
Ek poog my oë van onheil te weerhou
Ek laat U Gees my menswees indring
En dra U Woord met trots op my mou
Ek bid en ek soek en ek vra na U wil
Ek ken U in my elke dag se besluit
In my môres en aande word ek stil
En verheug my in bereidwilligheid

U het my U woord gegee en dit weer herhaal
Maak dit nou O Heer, my lewe se verhaal

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Saturday, 17 June 2017

The Deceiver

The Deceiver

He laughs as he scatters his seed of discord
attempting to sway those of courage.
The father of lies,
deceiving the wise
He's the ruin of many a marriage.

"Don't you know you deserve to be happy on earth?"
Make the best of your time here below.
Fellow, believe me
I would not deceive ye
get rid of your worry and woe."

"You need not a wife who bickers and beckons.
Your time is your own to enjoy.
Get rid of her quickly
before you get sickly
or yoked with a small baby boy."

"The grass my dear fellow, is green on the far side
I tell you for sure, this I know.
Do look around
Virgins abound
for the husband that knows when to go."

To be swayed by his reason is a matter of treason.
Tread slowly amidst it, by golly!
for nearing the end
you will need to defend
your decisions regarding this folly.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Friday, 16 June 2017

Outeur & Author

Die gedig wat ek vandag deel is 'n effens filosofiese een oor wat die impak wat 'n skrywer op mense se lewens het. Dit is oorspronklik in Afrikaans geskryf, maar ek het dit ook later na Engels vertaal. Ek plaas beide weergawes.
Today's poem is a slightly philosophical one that I wrote about the impact that an author has on people's lives. It was originally written in Afrikaan, but I later translated it to English as well. I place both versions.


Ek, Outeur, neem jou gevange om met my op reis te gaan
en ons travel op die highway van my kop, waar ek jou dwing
om my verstaan van dinge te begryp, my emosies te beleef en
my prioriteite te ondersteun, jy my gekaapte passasier

Ons travel langs paaie van hoop en wanhoop, liefde en haat –
ons besoek God en Abuse, stop by Sosiale Verantwoordelikheid,
kuier by Humor en flits verby Politiek en Geskiedenis.
Ek vra jou nie om jou opinie en kuier nie by jou kennisse – hier tel net EK.

En as ek klaar is, klim jy af van my bus af, maar ek leef in jou kop en
jy maak van my iets anders as wat ek bedoel het om te wees totdat
ek gemaklik pas in jou kopspasie en eintlik maar net jy geword het.
Maar soms klim jy af voor ek stil word en discard my soos gister se rubbish.

Ek, Outeur, kan nooit myself agterlaat om ontdek te word
deur jou wat ná my kom nie, want jy wat ná my kom is op soek
na jouself, en nie na my, en ek is net die grag wat na jouself lei.
En dus sterf ek na elke sin se punt en is dié kolletjie my graf.

(translated from the Afrikaans Outeur)

I, Author, abduct you to go on a journey with me
and we travel along the freeway in my head, where I force you
to comprehend my understanding, experience my emotions and
support my priorities, you my hijacked passenger.

We travel along roads of hope and hopelessness, love and hate –
we linger at God and Abuse, pause at Social Responsibility,
visit Humour and rush past Politics and History.
I don’t ask for your opinion and don’t visit your acquaintances – only I matter here.

And when I am done, you disembark from my bus, but I live on in your thoughts and
you transform me into something I never intended to be, until eventually
I fit comfortably in the space of your head where you have turned me into yourself.
But sometimes you depart before I grow quiet and discard me like yesterday’s rubbish.

I, Author, can never leave myself behind to be discovered
by you who follow me, because you who follow me are searching
for yourself, and not for me, and I am turned into a mote leading unto yourself.
And so I die at the end of every sentence and this dot becomes my grave.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Thursday, 15 June 2017

Our silence

This poem, written many years ago when I was still studying to become a teacher, addresses an issue that is very close to my heart, namely child abuse. I could not then, and still can't, understand or accept that empowered adults will not come to the aid of helpless children when they need it.

Our silence

In the arms of a mother a baby lies
awakened to life in despair.
With pinkies and coke
his mother’s milk choked,
her addicted embrace is his care.

In the arms of a father a little girl lay
overcome by his strength and his power.
She had to give him what lovers should offer
and listen to words of "Don't say"

In the crutches of life the children hang helpless
and adults turn deaf ears away.
Oh, God! help the witness
not to suffer the stillness
In Jesus Name, this I will pray.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Wednesday, 14 June 2017



Mens kan so gou vergeet
dat God tog reeds al weet
dat mens maar feilbaar is
in hierdie liggaamskis.

Dog deur die eeue heen
het God Hom nooit vervreem
van feilbaar mensekind
se egosentriese bewind.

In onvoorsiene Godsgeduld
ontsien Hy ons van skuld
en gee ons daagliks nog ‘n kans,
herstel ons wankelmoedige balans.

Al sou ons Petrus-gewys ontken
het ons steeds God se hart gewen
en leef ons in geloof en hoop
dat Hy ons van onsself sal stroop
om eendag op die Hemelkus
te weet dat ons in God kan rus.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Today's poem is a very short one that I wrote many years ago, though it is probably still my all-time favourite as I consider this my life motto.


I shall depart once more on a journey of ecstasy.
I shall travel light for I shall indeed need naught but who I am.
I shall give freely, I shall hold closely and I shall laugh every step of the way,
for I am a woman, wanting and willing to give with my love as I may.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Monday, 12 June 2017

Sal jy onthou?

Vandag se blog is 'n lied wat ek jare terug geskryf het. Ek het dit ook getoonset op daardie stadium, maar het nog nooit dit opgeneem nie.

Sal jy onthou?

Wanneer die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou – ek’s lief vir jou?
Wanneer die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou …
sal jy onthou?

Wanneer die aarde saans gaan slaap
En ons dwaal deur donker ure
Deur ons drome opgeraap
Weggevoer oor hoë mure
Kan ons onthou ...

Wanneer die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou – ek’s lief vir jou?
Wanneer die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou …
sal jy onthou?

Maar in die dag se kille grou
En die fel glans van ons gramskap
Word die mure weer gebou
En ons val terug in vyandskap
Wil nie onthou ...

Maar as die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou – ek’s lief vir jou?
Wanneer die nag sy miskombers
soos melksproei oor ons vou
sal jy onthou …
sal jy onthou?

In soet herinnerings gehul
By die terugkyk oor ‘n leeftyd
Word die gapings opgevul
En neem ons van ons griewe afskeid
En ons onthou ...

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.

Sunday, 11 June 2017



In the dead of the night quiet reigns
and stillness settles on the living.
Loneliness rises from its slumber
and subdues every creature to its bidding.
Its beastly bravado punishes harshly
with blow after blow of self-pity
and the meek and the mindless
seek selfless and soulless
to be part of a bigger belonging.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Saturday, 10 June 2017

Gee en neem

Gee en neem

In die wanbalans tussen gee en neem
word ons soms van mekaar vervreem.
In ek vir my en jy vir jou
bly ons aan eie-belang vasklou.
Maar ‘n bietjie gee van die eie-ek
laat ruimte vir ‘n wonderwerk.
In my vir jou en jou vir my
word ons van selfbelang bevry.
Ek dra jou las en jy dra myn’
saam laat ons God se lig weer skyn.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Friday, 9 June 2017


This poem was written as a rap song back in the days when I was in the res at varsity. I was a member of the spiritual care committee of the house and was given the story of Noah to prepare as a Bible Study. As I was also a member of a drama group on campus, I asked a couple of my drama buddies to perform the rap with me, instead of the more mundane reading of the story, followed by questions and answers. I don't think the target audience was quite ready for this, but we all had a great time.


God had a plan with the ancient world
He made it into a big round mould
He sat back and smiled at a job well done
Along comes Satan and he spoils the fun

Noah's time was a big disaster
People didn't heed the voice of the Master
Genesis six tells us the story
of how God saw the world and how He felt sorry

He decided to wipe the people from the earth,
when He noticed Noah and He saw a new birth.
God signed the blueprint for a total destruction,
then He wrote the plot for a new redemption.

Noah built an ark, forty-five feet high
Then he entered in and waved the people goodbye
God opened the taps in an abundant way
and "swem Jannie swem" was in the order of the day

Now what can we learn from such a bad ending?
That God saved the world from a danger pending.
But how can you say a thing like that?
He actually let them burn in their fat.

He did this in order to save all men.
Yes, every single last one of them.
He knew that they would live in sin
So He wiped them out, so He could start again.

Now I understand what you're trying to say.
If God didn't do it we would go astray
With Noah alone the only righteous one
The days of goodness was as good as gone.

An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys)

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.


How cold the steel of the blade, how warm my body’s embrace How hard the knuckle of the fist, how soft the surface of my skin Ho...