wish that I could touch your hand
smooth the creases in your brow.
wish I could support your stand,
I honestly do not know how.
have pushed me to the outer edges,
the fringes of your daily life,
no matter how I mend the hedges,
things that separate us, remain rife.
let me ask you this final question
I finally accept my own defeat;
you hear me when I mention
you’re the rhythm of my heartbeat?
you could find a stronger love elsewhere,
would gladly set you free to go
find someone who would deeply care
the man I love and got to know.
you should know this steadfast truth;
love is not the foolishness of youth.
An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys).
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys).
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
You can subscribe to any of these blogs and receive regular updates by email. Simply register your email address at the top of the applicable blog.